The first cards and payments conference was held in Istanbul was in the past September. the reason why it was held in Istanbul was explained by the organizator as follows:
For more information
In that conference they have arranged a speaking slot for us and we have done a small presentation in which we have shown what we have done so far on Branchless Banking. I will try to summarize here what we have presented in that conference.
The slides can be found as follows whereby I have tried to explain what we have tried to show.
In Turkey, there are 34 deposit (2 of them are almost inactive) or participation banks which are surely in competition with the others regarding commercial banking which includes either corporate or retail, or both...
However there are 26 banks which have internet branch and 16 banks which have mobile branch.
When we come to the figures of the banking sector regarding internet branch and mobile branch we have seen that the "active users" of internet branch has increased by almost 25% where the relevant increase was 200% in mobile banking in only 1 year. From my point of view this is a great move...
"Active users" are the number of users which were reported by each bank in Turkey subject to each login of customers.
The same scenerio has happened on the volume of transactions through these channels. The volumes have been estimated through 1 year transaction time period until the reporting date.
I have not put all the slides here since the information about the sector can be summarized as above.
To sum up, the mobile banking has been emerging in Turkey very very rapidly. There will be no banks in a very close future which has not made any investment on mobile banking. Furthermore, they will not be satisfied with only one mobile banking application but they will prepare different apps to gain more customers.
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Merhaba kıymetli okuyucularım,
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