· Dedicated project team organization
· Project Organization
· Matrix organization
In the dedicated team organization type, there
is a different unit (like a department) which is responsible for the
development of the projects within the organization. The team members are
usually chosen from the other departments and they report to the project
manager until the end of the project. After the completion of the project, the personnel
will return back to their original departments. A sample scheme is shown in the
In the second type of organization (project
organization), there is a project based structure inside the company. If most
of the business of the company is based on new projects, like software
implementation of software companies (they install new softwares to the
organizations that require new softwares), the best structure will be a project
organization. This means that one project will be followed by another project.
Therefore, the staff who is working under a project manager will be working for
another project in the future. The staff will not return to his original
location after the completion of the project unlike the dedicated team project
The last and the most recent type of
organization is known as matrix organization. Matrix organization is a type of
organization in which people with similar skills are pooled for work
assignments. For example, all IT staff may be working in one IT department and report to an
IT manager, but these same IT staff may be assigned to different projects and
report to a project manager while working on that project. Therefore, each IT
staff may have to work under several managers to get their job done.[3]
The example of this shown in the following figure.