Leadership is a very old concept which has been
discussed over hundreds of centuries. However, especially after the
industrialization in the late 1700’s, contemporary administration had been adopted
to the economic system. With this adaptation, many thinkers had studied over
leadership. After these studies, they have created some useful theories that
can be used in the recent work life. In this section we will focus on most
famous theories. These are summarized in the following:
XY theory of Douglas Mc Gregor
System Four approach of Rennis Likert
Immaturity / maturity theory.
For the last one, Immaturity / maturity theory, Arygis analyzed the individual behavior instead of the
group behavior.[1] He
had observed the individual development by the help of the leaders. In his
study he stated that:[2]
Individuals move from a passive
state to a state of increasing activity.
Individuals develop from a
state of dependency upon others to a state of relative independence.
Individuals behave in only a
few ways, but after growing they are capable of behaving in many ways.
Individuals have erratic,
casual, and shallow interests but they develop to demand deeper and stronger
The time perspective is very
short, involving only the present, but as they mature, their time perspective
increases to include the past and the future.
Individuals are subordinate to
everyone, but they move to equal or superior positions with others.
Seventh, individuals lack an
awareness of a but they are not only aware of, but they are able to control
During the above mentioned process the leaders take
an important part in the development of the subordinates. They give empowerment
to the subordinates in order to make them decide for the future of the company.
This kind of a leadership also allows the company to train its middle and top
[2] Osama Solieman, “Immaturity Maturity Model”, http://ai.arizona.edu/hchen/class_presentation/2005MIS580/5
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