In the developing countries gender or sex is very important in
social activities. According to the culture of the country, public may tailor hard
works to the males where easy and basic works to the females. Further, the
social environment imposes traditional sexual characteristics and behavior
types to the children. The children are growing in the way of their environment’s
pre-approved sexual behaviors. Plus, after becoming a four year old child it is
expected that a sexual behavior interchange will not occur.[1]
Sex: Sex describes the biological differences between men and women,
which are universal and determined at birth.
Gender: Gender refers to the roles and responsibilities of men and women
that are created in our families, societies and cultures. The concept of gender
also includes the expectations held about the characteristics, attitudes and
likely behaviors of both women and men (femininity and masculinity). Gender
roles and expectations are learned. They can change over time and they vary
within and between cultures.
As mentioned above, social environment has been teaching right
sexual behavioral types to the children since their early ages. The children
are also learning his or her sexual definitions throughout the following
Fundamental Sex Identity: (2-3 years) In
this phase the child can perceive his or her sexual properties clearly and
understands whether he / she is a male or female.
Unchangeable Sexuality: In this phase,
the child can understand that his or her sex cannot be changed. The child knows
that he / she will grow up either as a boy or a girl.
Stereotypes of Sexuality: In this phase
the child knows that the sex is unchangeable and even if a person imitates the
behaviors of the other sex, the child knows that the sex of that person is not
We know that there are really differences between males and females
regarding physical and psychological properties. Nevertheless, the public put
these characteristics in strong boundaries and defines a male as; gutsy,
fearless, trustworthy, independent, cool, strong, passionate, aggressive and
active where the definition of the female stated as; compassionate, emotional,
weak, passive, dependent, merciful etc…[5]
The issues upon which are agreed after the researches and the
studies are stated below:[6]
Aggressiveness: Males are more
aggressive than the females. This characteristic is clear after 2 years from
the birth. A research made in USA states that, %90 of the crimes are done by
the males.
Perception speed: Females are
ahead of the males who are at the same age.
Oral capabilities: Females are
very dominant in this characteristic. They are thinking and practicing better
than males.
Perceiving the space
relationships: Males are slightly a head of the females.
Domination: Males are dominant
since the grammar school.
Self confidence and self
respect: Males trust and respect themselves more than females.
Maturity speed: Females are
getting mature rapidly than the males
School grades: Females are a
head of males.
Empathy: Females are more
successful than the males in this concept.
Helpfulness: Males are more
helpful than females because in some urgent events strong people are more
Technology using: Males are a
head of the females.
Risk taking: Females are more
risk averse than the males. Due to this, entrepreneurship is close to the
[1] Aytaç Aslan, “Farklı Cinsiyet Rollerinin Bireylerin Uyum
Düzeylerine Etkisi”, (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisan Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi
SBE, Ankara, 1991), p. 1.
[4] Haluk Uğur Girginer, “Türk Toplumunda Cinsiyet Rolleri Algısı”,
(Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi SBE, 1994), p. 37-38.
[5] Serçin Baykal, “Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Cinsiyet Rolleri İle
İlgili Kalıp Yargılarının Bazı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi”,
(Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi SBE, 1998), p. 1.
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