Females and males have unique sexual identities defining their gender.
Besides these, the individuals have feminine and masculine characteristics
which are supposed to be different from their original sex. This concept was
driven after finding unsatisfactory results for the effect of sex to
leadership. For this concept there were
made many studies based on the researches that are shown below:
· Bales theory of leadership
· Role congruity theory
· Diagnostics Ratio Approach
These theories and the other studies will be handled in the
following text.
Bales’ Theory Of
Bales and Slater in studies of the psychology of leadership
developed a theory that there were two kinds of leadership functions:[1]
Task leadership: Best ideas,
move things along
Process leadership: Held group
together, often used humor, facilitator, and friendliness.
Bales’ theory of leadership style was developed in the laboratory
using groups of male undergraduates. Bales found that in such groups, two types
of leadership specialists emerged:[2]
A task oriented expert who was
concerned with the instrumental functions related to achievement of group goals
A social emotional expert whose
concern was the morale and cohesiveness of the group.
Bales found that these leadership roles were generally independent
and that they were usually fulfilled by different people. However later research
has demonstrated that one single person can show both characteristics. After
this finding, he has concluded that these two characteristics are complementary
and necessary for the harmony of the groups. It is a very important research
showing the effects of sex roles to the leadership.
Role Congruity Theory of Leadership
The role congruity theory advanced by Eagley and Karau focuses on
the differences between two roles, gender roles and leadership roles. Because
males are typically thought to occupy and possess the skills for leadership
roles, a potential prejudice occurs when females occupy the position. Prejudice
toward female leaders follows from the incongruity that many people perceive
between the characteristics of women and the requirements of leader roles.[3]
Role congruity theory also addresses the norms of gender roles.
Because leadership is not a typical social role for women, female participation
in such a role can lead to negative evaluations due to the failure to meet the
requirements of their gender role. In thinking about female leaders, people
would combine their largely divergent expectations about leaders and women,
whereas in thinking about male leaders, people would combine highly redundant
expectations. Research has shown that women who attain success in typically
male occupations are less liked and more derogated than equally successful men.
The “role congruity theory” of prejudice toward female leaders
proposes that perceived incongruity between the female gender role and leadership
roles leads to two forms of prejudice:[4]
Perceiving women less favorably
than men as potential occupants of leadership roles and
Evaluating behavior that
fulfills the prescriptions of a leader role less favorably when it is enacted
by a woman.
One consequence is that attitudes are less positive toward female
than male leaders and potential leaders. Other consequences are that it is more
difficult for women to become leaders and to achieve success in leadership
roles. Evidence from varied research paradigms substantiates that these
consequences occur, especially in situations that heighten perceptions of
incongruity between the female gender role and leadership roles. When women possess the agentic quality of dominance consistent with
the leader role, the incongruence between masculinized task demands and gender
stereotypes mitigate against women's leadership emergence.[5]
This theory shows that there are strong barriers against the
feminine sex role in the emergence of leadership. The masculinized task demands
are not found to be appropriate with the feminine characteristic type of
Diagnostics Ratio Approach
Diagnostics Ratio approach is used for measuring the stereotypes.
When comparing one social group to another, the diagnostics ratio is derived
from Bayes’s rule in the forms of odds and probabilities.
The diagnostics ratio serves as a useful index of stereotyping by
formally expressing the extent to which a behavior is seen as more probable in
one group versus another on the basis only of knowledge of group membership.
Using the leadership behavior mentoring as an example the diagnostic ratio is
calculated by forming a ratio of the percentage of male managers and female
managers believed to mentor.[6]

p(mentoring behavior / female
A ratio of 1.0 indicates that gender has no diagnostic value in
predicting whether the perceived likelihood of a leader behavior differs for
male managers versus female managers. Ratios differing from 1.0 are of
diagnostic value in predicting if the perceived likelihood of a leader behavior
is greater for male managers (diagnostic ratio>1.0) or greater for female
managers (diagnostic ratio<1 .0="" o:p="">1>
In a sample study, diagnostic-ratio measurement strategy was used
for a more comprehensive view of leadership. One hundred and fifty-one managers
(95 men and 56 women) judged the leadership effectiveness of male and female
middle managers by providing likelihood ratings for 14 categories of leader
behavior. As expected, the likelihood ratings for some leader behaviors were
greater for male managers, whereas for other leader behaviors, the likelihood
ratings were greater for female managers or were no different. Leadership
ratings revealed some evidence of a same-gender bias. Providing explicit
verification of managerial success had only a modest effect on gender stereotyping.
The merits of adopting a probabilistic approach in examining the perception and
treatment of stigmatized groups are discussed.[7]
[1] Stanford California State Library, “David Kennedy - The Warrior and
the President”, http://institute21.stanford.edu/Current_Programs/2000_Institute/Presenters/papers/summary/summ-kennedy.htm,
[2] Karen Korabik, “Androgyny and Leadership Style”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.9,
No.4-5, (April-May 1990), p. 283.
[3] Kasey Farris, “Role Congruity Theory” http://www.ciadvertising.org/SA/fall_05/adv392/kasey/site1/role_congruity2.htm,
[4] Eagly AH, Karau SJ, “Role
Congruity Theory Of Prejudice Toward Female Leaders”, Psychological Review,
Vol.3, No.109, (July 2002), p. 573.
[5] Barbara A.Ritter, Janice
D.Yoder, “Gender Differences in Leader Emergence Persist Even For Dominant
Women: An Updated Confirmation Of Role Congruity Theory”, Psychology of Women Quarterly, Issue 340207, (2004), p. 187.
[6] Richard F.Martell, Aaron L.Desmet, “A Diagnostic-Ratio Approach To
Measuring Beliefs About The Leadership Abilities Of Male And Female Managers”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.86,
No.6, (2001), p. 1224.
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